Our apostolates are fueled by our prayer life and our relationship with Christ. St. Teresa of Avila holds prayer as the most fruitful of all apostolates. It is in encountering Jesus and in fostering a deep and personal relationship with Him that we find our inspiration to make known His merciful love. By entrusting ourselves to Mary, we allow her to guide us to Him and be an example to us in how we may serve.
As contemplative-actives we seek first to receive from God and to learn from Mary that we may be her loving heart, her helpful hands, and her comforting voice to all.
The works entrusted to us flow from our life of prayer and our charism of communal charity and joyful evangelization. Through these works, "Together with Mary" we witness a love for Christ, His Word and His Church and endeavor to foster an atmosphere for an encounter with Christ.
Through God’s providence we have been entrusted with these apostolates: